Paul Griffioen

Contact Information

Phone: 712-722-6372
Dordt University
Engineering Department
SB 2619
700 7th Street NE
Sioux Center, IA 51250

Academic Positions

Dordt University

University of California, Berkeley


Research Interests

My research interests include the modeling, analysis, and design of high-performance cyber-physical systems that ensure safety while operating under computational constraints. My research interests also include the modeling, analysis, and design of active detection techniques and response mechanisms for ensuring resilient and secure cyber-physical systems.


  1. P. Griffioen, B. Zhong, M. Arcak, M. Zamani, and M. Caccamo, "Data-Driven Controlled Invariant Sets for Gaussian Process State Space Models," in Automatica, 2024. (under review)
  2. P. Griffioen, B. H. Krogh, and B. Sinopoli, "Ensuring Resilience Against Stealthy Attacks on Cyber-Physical Systems," in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2024.
  3. P. Griffioen, R. Romagnoli, B. H. Krogh, and B. Sinopoli, "Reducing Attack Opportunities Through Decentralized Event-Triggered Control," in IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, September 2024, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 1576–1586.
  4. P. Griffioen and M. Arcak, "Data-Driven Reachability Analysis for Gaussian Process State Space Models," in 2023 IEEE 62nd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE, 2023, pp. 4100–4105.
  5. P. Griffioen, A. Devonport, and M. Arcak, "Probabilistic Invariance for Gaussian Process State Space Models," in Learning for Dynamics and Control. PMLR, 2023, pp. 458–468.
  6. P. Griffioen, "Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems," Ph.D. dissertation, Carnegie Mellon University, August 2022.
  7. P. Griffioen, R. Romagnoli, B. H. Krogh, and B. Sinopoli, "Reducing Attack Vulnerabilities Through Decentralized Event-Triggered Control," in 2021 IEEE 60th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE, 2021, pp. 5715–5722.
  8. P. Griffioen, R. Romagnoli, B. H. Krogh, and B. Sinopoli, "Resilient Control in the Presence of Man-in-the-Middle Attacks," in 2021 American Control Conference (ACC). IEEE, 2021, pp. 4553–4560.
  9. P. Griffioen, S. Weerakkody, and B. Sinopoli, "A Moving Target Defense for Securing Cyber-Physical Systems," in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, May 2021, vol. 66, no. 5, pp. 2016–2031.
  10. P. Griffioen and B. Sinopoli, "Assessing Risks and Modeling Threats in the Internet of Things," arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.07771, 2021.
  11. P. Griffioen, R. Romagnoli, B. H. Krogh, and B. Sinopoli, "Decentralized Event-Triggered Control in the Presence of Adversaries," in 2020 IEEE 59th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE, 2020, pp. 3236–3242.
  12. R. Romagnoli, P. Griffioen, B. H. Krogh, and B. Sinopoli, "Software Rejuvenation Under Persistent Attacks in Constrained Environments," in 21st IFAC World Congress. IFAC, 2020, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 4088–4094.
  13. P. Griffioen, R. Romagnoli, B. H. Krogh, and B. Sinopoli, "Secure Networked Control for Decentralized Systems via Software Rejuvenation," in 2020 American Control Conference (ACC). IEEE, 2020, pp. 1266–1273.
  14. P. Griffioen, R. Romagnoli, B. H. Krogh, and B. Sinopoli, "Secure Networked Control via Software Rejuvenation," in 2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE, 2019, pp. 3878–3884.
  15. P. Griffioen, S. Weerakkody, and B. Sinopoli, "An Optimal Design of a Moving Target Defense for Attack Detection in Control Systems," in 2019 American Control Conference (ACC). IEEE, 2019, pp. 4527–4534.
  16. P. Griffioen, S. Weerakkody, B. Sinopoli, O. Ozel, and Y. Mo, "A Tutorial on Detecting Security Attacks on Cyber-Physical Systems," in 2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC). IEEE, 2019, pp. 979–984.
  17. S. Mohan, M. Asplund, G. Bloom, A.-R. Sadeghi, A. Ibrahim, N. Salajageh, P. Griffioen, and B. Sinopoli, "Special Session: The Future of IoT Security," in 2018 International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT). IEEE, 2018, pp. 1–7.
  18. S. Weerakkody, O. Ozel, P. Griffioen, and B. Sinopoli, "Active Detection for Exposing Intelligent Attacks in Control Systems," in 2017 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA). IEEE, 2017, pp. 1306–1312.
  19. K. D. Donohue and P. M. Griffioen, "Computational Strategy for Accelerating Robust Sound Source Detection in Dynamic Scenes," in IEEE SOUTHEASTCON 2014. IEEE, 2014, pp. 1–8.








Workshops and Competitions:

